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Why Our Stories Matter 

When you have an empowering message to share, it’s your responsibility to get it out there | Gabby BernsteinI share my stories, and I encourage other people to share theirs, for an important reason: I know they will help other people. 

You know how your ears perk up when someone says, “I have a story for you”? That’s because we love stories. We learn through stories. Stories inspire us to change our lives in radical and amazing ways. I’ve seen it happen countless times. 

Why Our Stories Matter 

When you have an empowering message to share, it’s your responsibility to get it out there | Gabby BernsteinI share my stories, and I encourage other people to share theirs, for an important reason: I know they will help other people.

You know how your ears perk up when someone says, “I have a story for you”? That’s because we love stories. We learn through stories. Stories inspire us to change our lives in radical and amazing ways. I’ve seen it happen countless times.

Crazy Layla
When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.
Crazy Layla
When Layla appears, she brings an eternal summer along.